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DAY 1 – Evolving Consciousness

This Pandemic has been the Great Revealer, challenging us to awaken to what has really been happening below the surface. Today, we encourage you to learn from these revolutionary thought leaders who invite us to evolve our consciousness to create a world that is better for all.


Dr. Shefali Tsabury

Conscious Parenting in the Age of Global Awakening
  • What it means to be a conscious parent in the context of the global pandemic
  • How meditation can help us find calm in the midst of chaos,
  • Conscious approach to addressing racism

Lisa Nichols

Parenting With Purpose During Uncertain Times
  • Provide your child certainty in uncertain times
  • Creating a safe space for children to share how they REALLY feel
  • How to turn confrontation into care-frontation

Marlee Liss

Restorative Justice – The Healing Alternative to the Criminal Justice System
  • Marlee’s story of Restorative Justice for sexual violence
  • How Restorative Justice allowed her to transform her experience instead of being revictimized
  • Healing by humanizin


Breath Work for Immunity

Rommy Gelly
Visit expert’s website +
  • What breath work is and how it helps boost immunity
  • The difference between breath work and meditation
  • Experience the impact of a brief breath practice


Pick (Film) by Alicia K. Harris

Pick is a 2019 Canadian short drama film, directed by Alicia K. Harris. The film stars Hazel Downey as Alliyah, a young Black Canadian girl struggling to cope with the social consequences of having chosen to go to school on class photo day wearing her natural Afro instead of straightening her hair.

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DAY 2 – Leadership in Work & Family

This pandemic has forced us to figure out how to adapt how we organize our work and how we work together as a family like never before. Join us and these 3 revolutionary business owners and parents who found new systems for organizing their lives that allowed them to thrive in work and in their families.


Katie Wells

Simple Answers for Healthier Families
  • Nutrition to boost immunity
  • Healthy foods & Healthy Habits
  • Organzing your home environment 4) alternative to screen time helping parents keeping kids occupied – concrete tools of what you can do

Kate Northrup

Doing Less to Achieve More
  • Cyclical energy for optimal productivity
  • How to work less but get more done
  • Why our obsession with productivity is thwarting our efforts

Jean-Pierre Leblanc

Know Thyself, Know Your Kids
  • Most of us project ourselves onto our kids to their detriment
  • Knowing oneself is a lifetime pursuit – that can be fun!
  • If you’re willing to laugh at yourself, you will forever be amused


Raise Your Words, Not Your Voice

Ranbir Puar
Visit expert’s website +
  • Practice awareness daily to build your muscle memory
  • Recognize opportunities for growth in yourself and your children
  • Audit experiences with journaling through the past event


Raise Your Words, Not Your Voice by Ranbir Puar

Are you feeling exhausted by the yelling that goes on in your home?
Overhaul your family’s communication style with this FREE CLASS.
Learn how to stop yelling at your kids (or partner) and make a shift to create PRODUCTIVE communication with your loved ones.

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Day 3 – Building Reslience & Self Esteem

The disruption caused by this pandemic has given us the biggest opportunity in recent history to create a better world. Today, is about getting inspired and equipped with concrete steps to Bounce Back & Grow Forward through whatever life might bring.


Les Brown

Be Resilient, Realize Your Purpose and Live Without Limits
  • Awaken into action and commit to realizing your purpose
  • Rewrite your story to becoming limitless
  • Key steps needed to realize your purpose in this life

Sonia Ricotti

The 3 Step Formula to Bounce Back Instantly During Difficult Times
  • Reprogram your conscious mind (becoming aware of your thoughts)
  • Reprogram your subconscious mind (uncover what your limiting beliefs are around that area of your life that isn’t working)
  • Elevate your vibrational frequency to as state of love, peace, joy and gratitude (which will make you feel good instantly)

Dr. Stacy Thomas

How to grow forward through anything & emerge better than before
  • The mindset that allows us to grow forward through anything
  • The resiliency skills we can all practice to help us maintain balance in times of loss and change
  • Why expressive writing helps and an overview of the Flow to Grow Method


Journal Session with Me! Including Journal Prompts

Dr. Stacy Thomas
Visit expert’s website +
  • Exactly how to Journal Growing Forward Style
  • Let’s Journal Together: Journal along with me!
  • Special Journal Prompt Example: How to be inspired to write your feelings


Growing Forward Journal

Daily exercises to help you mindfully build resilience and grow through anything. Inside, you’ll find space to express your feelings authentically, as well as questions and suggested practices to support and increase your awareness, growth and healing.

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Day 4 – Brain Health & Early Development

The explosion of brain science findings over the past 10-20 years has revolutionized our understanding of mental health and humanity. Join us to learn how to implement science-based strategies to increase your emotional intelligence and foster the same in your children.


Dr. Rick Hanson

The Neuroscience of Wellbeing & Why Mindfulness is Not Enough
  • Understand neuroplasticity and how we can leverage it to change the brain for good
  • The importance of processing positive experiences at a deep level in order to hardwire them into the brain
  • Why mindfulness is not enough in order to build resilience and develop the trait of happiness.

Natalie Christensen & Nathan M McTague

How To “Speak Brain” With Your Child, Especially During A Pandemic
  • Identifying the three main brain states – their qualities and uses
  • “Speaking Brain” – how to talk to the part that’s driving
  • Wiring the brain for optimal development and deep connection

Mona Delahooke

Beyond behaviour: How to use brain science and compassion to understand and solace children’s behavioural challenges.
  • What is happening in a child’s brain when they are ‘misbehaving’
  • How polyvagal theory helps us understand our child’s challenging behaviours
  • How to use brain science to help our children self-regulate effectively and prevent meltdowns.


The Importance of Nasal Breathing for Energy, Immunity, Posture, & Development

Kevin Darby
Visit expert’s website +
  • The Importance of Nasal Breathing
  • How to do Nasal Breathing for Energy, and Immunity
  • How Nasal Breathing will Level up your Presence and Parenting


Affirmations for Presence in the Family with Dr. Stacy and Zach Kellum


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Day 5 – Education & Technology

This pandemic has caused us to rethink education. Whether home-schooled or not, today’s talks are all about giving you concrete strategies to help navigate the increased use of technology, and expand our children’s educational experiences beyond the abc’s to ensure their health and resilience now and in the future.


Laura Diaz

Waldorf-Inspired Parenting
  • The future of education
  • The screen dilema
  • The inner work of the parent

Nicole Beurkens

Healthy Parenting for Hyper-Connected Kids
  • The positives and negatives of our kids’ new hyper-connected reality
  • Core principals for a balanced parenting appproach
  • Specific strategies to help children develop healthy tech habits

Joe Rubino

Championing Children to Develop High Self-Esteem
  • The origins of Low Self Esteem in Children
  • Patterns that parents can look for in their child’s development that would indicate low self-esteem
  • How parents can champion children to develop high self-esteem


Milton’s Secret Family Activity

Mindful World and Dr. Stacy Thomas
Visit expert’s website +
  • Provide your child certainty in uncertain times
  • Creating a safe space for children to share how they REALLY feel
  • How to turn confrontation into care-frontation



Break Free with a Beachfront
Wellness Work-Away

Stay a month, or more. Work remotely from a fiber-optic-powered suite on a natural, white sand beach. Release that pent-up energy by jumping from your video calls to salt-water swims, a wide selection of wellness activities, and so much more… Oh, and never do laundry, cook, or clean… Why wait?

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Day 6 – Managing Emotions & Conflicts

All of us have been dealing with “big feelings” and can use help learning how to process them for ourselves and our children. Join us and learn how you can turn big feelings into moments of healing and understanding for yourself and those you love.


Sarah Rosensweet

Creating Peace between Siblings
  • The mindset for peacefully parenting siblings
  • Typical challenges depending on birth order
  • Distinguishing equity vs equality in deciding what’s fair

Dr. Laura Markham

Presence In The Family
  • The 3 steps needed to recognize and work through our own suffering as parents and create the environment for our children that will allow them to thrive and become their best authentic selves
  • Why punishment and rewards don’t work and why authentic connection is the most effective way to influence and nurture intrinsic motivation in our children
  • The challenges pervasive exposure to screens and social media is having on family relationships and the health and happiness of our children

Afshan Tafler

Transforming Anger in the Family
  • Why anger is not the enemy
  • The importance of learning healthy ways to deal with anger
  • Healing reactive anger by healing the hurt that lies beneath it


The Transformational Power of Edutainment for Creating a Mindful World

Stephen Huszar
Visit expert’s website +
  • Stephen’s story of how he found mindfulness practices and how they transformed his life
  • The power of story for inspiring change
  • How Edutainment can help us learn how to incorporate mindful teachings into daily life in order to create a more mindful world.


7 Steps To Transforming Anger-The Conscious Way (Webinar)

Find out how to stop getting angry at your kids and experience a deep sense of calm, connection, and trust. Discover the secrets to healing chronic anger patterns, putting an end to guilt and shame, and knowing exactly what to do, even in the most heated moments.

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Day 7 – Presence, Creativity & Connectedness

It is in times of uncertainty, that we all need to connect with timeless wisdom. Learn the teachings of presence from these prolific wisdom teachers to connect even more deeply with your essence, unlock your creativity, and embrace the process of being and doing to create a world that is even better than before.


Eckhart Tolle

Presence In The Family
  • Benefits of being present
  • Becoming aware and including loved ones
  • Taking one conscious breath at a time

Barnet Bain

Embracing Your Innate Creativity to Live Your Best Life
  • Recognizing the creativity in everything you do
  • Expanding your imagination to free yourself
  • Why creativity is essential for your ability to adapt

Shaman Balder

Everything is Connected

  • The truth about our connection to the earth
  • The importance of fostering self awareness
  • How to live in balance with the environment


Music Exercise for Families

Zach Kellum
Visit expert’s website +
  • It’s a little musical family “jam” session
  • Learn how to focus on family connection and communication
  • Develop family creative expression through music.


Bounce Back Big by Sonia Ricotti

Discover the miracle blueprint to quickly turn your life around and achieve your wildest dreams. You’ll learn the step-by-step formula to “Bounce Back BIG” and achieve great wealth, health, relationships, inner peace and more!

Normally $117

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(Black Friday):


Produced by © 2024. All rights reserved.
The contents of this website/e-mail are for informational purposes only and are not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. This website does not provide medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment.

Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition.


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Start Date: 12/25/2025

Category: One, Two

Tags: ldjsdfgd, jkljlk

Organizer: No orgizer



(our basic expectations for how to be in this place)

Welcome to The Design Your Life Community!

We are so happy that you decided to join us in this sacred space.

The phrase ‘sacred space’ might sound a bit formal and serious, like you need to mind your manners and take off your hat before you come in. Let me assure you that we are not that formal around here. But, we do think it is important to pause and recognize that this place is special and one we hope you will cherish. As such, it does require us to get centred in order to show up as our highest selves. Maintaining a loving atmosphere filled with compassion, empathy and respect is the secret sauce that is fundamentally important for all of us to learn, grow and heal in ways that serve us and others.

Here are our basic expectations for everyone here:

In order to be a member of The Design Your Life Community, you need to be at least 18 years old, the legal age of consent.

By becoming a member of The Design Your Life Community you agree to:

  1. Engage respectfully with everyone here.
  2. If you decide to comment, take the time you need to offer your most compassionate response. It’s usually the wisest.
  3. Refrain from any form of solicitation. This is not the place to look for a romantic partner. This is not the place to sell anything for your own personal gain. There are plenty of other places to do that online – this is not one of them.
  4. Adhere to all applicable laws and regulations, and agree that you are responsible for compliance with those laws.
  5. Not engage in any activities or post content on this platform that are illegal, harmful or fraudulent. This includes but is not limited to activities that violate the rights of others, that encourages or incites violence, or that might be harmful to others or our operations or reputation, including desseminating, promoting or facilitating any form of pornography, offering or disseminating farudulent goods, services, schemes,promotions,make-money-fast schemes, ponzi and pyramind schemes, phishing or pharming.
  6. Not impersonate another person
  7. Not engage in predatory behaviour like stalking, invading privacy, or revealing another person’s personal information.

By joining the Design Your Life Community you also understand that:

  1. Whatever happens in the DYL Community stays here. No outside sharing.This means that it is prohibited to:
    • Write about and publish articles that comment on the activity within the DYL Community and make content from this closed community public.
    • Quote from a conversation within the DYL Community, screen capture any content (files, threads, comments) from the DYL community and share or publicize in any way, or in any other way compromise the confidentiality of the members of this group.
  2. Content that does not fit within these guidelines will be deleted and those who violate these guidelines may be asked to leave.
  3. The Design Your Life Community does not conduct criminal background or identity verification checks on its users. Use your best judgment when interacting with others.
  4. While The Design Your Life Community encourages a respectful atmosphere for all, it is not responsible for the conduct of any user within or outside of The Design Your Life Community. You agree to use caution in all interactions with other users, particularly if you decide to communicate with members outside of The Design Your Life Community or meet in person.
  5. Nothing that happens within The Design Your Life Community is considered a form of psychotherapy or formal mental health treatment. Psychotherapy occurs in the context of a 1-on-1 therapeutic relationship following an in-depth assessment of your current functioning, personal history and wellness goals. This is not that.
  6. Any interaction with Dr. Stacy or other members who happen to be mental health professionals does not constitute a therapeutic relationship.
  7. Nothing shared here can be considered medical or health advice and is provided as information only for you to make use of as you see fit.
  8. In the event that you are in crisis, you are encouraged to seek the assistance of a health professional qualified to assess, treat and follow up with you to ensure continuation of care. If you are unable to access a family doctor, you are advised to take yourself to the nearest emergency room or contact a crisis line for immediate help.
  9. All of the information and resources shared within the DYL Community are for your use only.  These tools will be made available to download once for your personal use.  This is the grant of a license, not a transfer of title, and under this license you may not:
    • modify or copy the materials;
    • use the materials for any commercial purpose, or for any public display (commercial or non-commercial);
    • attempt to decompile or reverse engineer any software contained on the Community website;
    • remove any copyright or other proprietary notations from the materials; or
    • transfer the materials to another person or ‘mirror’ the materials on any other server.

  10. This license shall automatically terminate if you violate any of these restrictions and may be terminated by The Design Your Life Community at any time. Upon terminating your viewing of these materials or upon the termination of this license, you must destroy any downloaded materials in your possession whether in electronic or printed format.
  11. By accessing the DYL Community, you are agreeing to be bound by these Terms of Use, The materials contained in the DYL Community are protected by applicable copyright and trademark law.
  12. Violation of The Community Guidelines and these Terms and Conditions will result in you being asked to leave. Should this happen, any fees paid will not be refunded.
  13. The Community Guidelines and these Terms and Conditions might change at any time by posting a revised version at <<<>>>, By using or accessing the Design Your Life Community you agree to the latest version of these policies.

1. Disclaimer

The materials on the Design Your Life Community website are provided 'as is'. The DYL Community makes no warranties, expressed or implied, and hereby disclaims and negates all other warranties, including without limitation, implied warranties or conditions of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose, or non-infringement of intellectual property or other violation of rights. Further, the DYL Community does not warrant or make any representations concerning the accuracy, likely results, or reliability of the use of the materials on its website or otherwise relating to such materials or on any sites linked to this site.

2. Limitations

In no event shall the DYL Community be liable for any damages (including, without limitation, damages for loss of data or profit, or due to business interruption) arising out of the use or inability to use the materials on the School’s website, even if the DYL Community or an authorized of the School has been notified orally or in writing of the possibility of such damage. Because some jurisdictions do not allow limitations on implied warranties, or limitations of liability for consequential or incidental damages, these limitations may not apply to you.

3. Revisions and Errata

The materials appearing on the DYL Community’s website may include technical, typographical, or photographic errors. The DYL Community does not warrant that any of the materials on its web site are accurate, complete, or current. The DYL Community may make changes to the materials contained on its web site at any time without notice. The School does not, however, make any commitment to update the materials.

4. Links

The DYL Community has not reviewed all of the sites linked to its website and is not responsible for the contents of any such linked site. The inclusion of any link does not imply endorsement by the School of the site. Use of any such linked website is at the user's own risk.

5. Site Terms of Use Modifications

The DYL Community may revise these Terms of Use for its website at any time without notice. By using this website you are agreeing to be bound by the then current version of these Terms of Use.

6. Governing Law

Any claim relating to the DYL Community website shall be governed by the laws of the DYL Commnuity Owner’s home jurisdiction without regard to its conflict of law provisions.

If you do not agree with any of these terms, you are prohibited from using or accessing this site.

By participating in Kundalini Yoga at the Design Your Life Community, I acknowledge that:

– any session offered is not a substitute for medical attention, assessment, diagnosis or treatment.

– I must be in adequate physical and mental health to participate in the Activities (kundalini yoga classes that include breathwork, meditation, mantras, repetitive movements, postures, sound healing).

– I understand that the Activities may require intense physical exertion, and I represent and warrant that I am physically fit enough to participate, and I have no medical condition which would prevent my full participation in the Activities.

– I recognize that the Activities may cause or aggravate a physical injury or medical condition. -I understand that it is my responsibility to consult with a physician before my participation in the Activities. If I have done so, I have taken the physician’s advice.

– I understand that the Teacher reserves the right to refuse my participation in any Activity on medical, fitness or any other grounds.

– I understand my physical limitations and I am sufficiently self-aware to stop or modify my participation in any Activity before I become injured or aggravate a pre-existing injury. In consideration of being permitted to participate in the Activities, I agree to assume full responsibility for any risks, injuries or damages, known or unknown, which I might incur as a result of participating in the Activities, including those which may result from the negligence of the Teacher

– In further consideration of being permitted to participate in the Activities, I knowingly, voluntarily and expressly waive any “Claim” (as defined below) I may have against the Teacher and any of Teacher’s employees, independent contractors or assistants (each, a “Released Party”) that I may sustain as a result of participating in the Activities even if the Claim arises from the negligence of Released Party or anyone else.

– I agree to indemnify and hold harmless Released Party from any loss, cost, or liability incurred in defending any Claim made by me or anyone making a Claim on my behalf, even if the Claim is alleged to or did result from the negligence of Released Party or anyone else.
“Claim” includes but is not limited to any and all liabilities, claims, demands, expenses, fees, legal actions, rights of actions for damages, personal injury, mental suffering and distress, or death that I may suffer, my spouse, children or unborn child may suffer (including any legal fees or expenses) in connection with participation in any Activity.

– I, my heirs or legal representatives forever release, waive, discharge and covenant not to sue any Released Party for any Claim caused by any negligence or other acts of any Released Party.


You can select a Scheduled Class start date now, and when it has at least 6 and no more than 12 enrolled members the class start date will be official. If the class you choose doesn’t fill, you will be automatically enrolled in the next start date available (usually the next week), until a full class is scheduled. We do this to accommodate individual preferences and to keep class size small and effective.


You can select a Scheduled Class start date now, and when it has at least 6 and no more than 12 enrolled members the class start date will be official. If the class you choose doesn’t fill, you will be automatically enrolled in the next start date available (usually the next week), until a full class is scheduled. We do this to accommodate individual preferences and to keep class size small and effective.
You can also choose the Self-Paced Experience and enter the Community Campus, where you can work through the course materials on your own, and have access to all of the tools and resources that are available to support you in our awesome community including access to Group Coaching Office Hours Coaching Calls, Accountability Calls, Habit Tracker, Journal App, Media Library , Live Q & A’s with Dr. Stacy and other events in the community.
If you choose the self-paced option for now, you will have a year to join a class that suits your schedule so you can experience the journey with a close-knit group.